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tex-ordinalpt Counters as ordinal numbers in Portuguese
tex-ordinalpt-doc Documentation for tex-ordinalpt
tex-otibet Tibetan package for omega
tex-otibet-doc Documentation for tex-otibet
tex-oubraces Braces over and under a formula
tex-oubraces-doc Documentation for tex-oubraces
tex-overpic Combine LaTeX commands over included graphics
tex-pagenote Notes at end of document
tex-pagenote-doc Documentation for tex-pagenote
tex-pageslts Provide labels for the last page in each page numbering group
tex-paralist Enumerate and itemize within paragraphs
tex-paralist-doc Documentation for tex-paralist
tex-parskip Layout with zero \parindent, non-zero \parskip
tex-parskip-doc Documentation for tex-parskip
tex-passivetex Support package for XML/SGML typesetting
tex-patgen2-tutorial-doc Tutorial on the use of Patgen 2
tex-path LaTeX package to typeset paths
tex-path-doc Documentation for tex-path
tex-pb-diagram A commutative diagram package using LAMSTeX or Xy-pic fonts
tex-pb-diagram-doc Documentation for tex-pb-diagram
tex-pbibtex-base Bibliography styles and miscellaneous files for pBibTeX
tex-pbibtex-base-doc Documentation for tex-pbibtex-base
tex-pbox A variable-width \parbox command
tex-pdfcomment User-friendly interface to pdf annotations
tex-pdfcomment-doc Documentation for tex-pdfcomment
tex-pdfpages Include PDF documents in LaTeX
tex-pdfpages-doc Documentation for tex-pdfpages
tex-pdftex TeX extension for direct creation of PDF
tex-pdftex-doc Documentation for tex-pdftex
tex-pdftools PDF-related utilities, including PostScript-to-PDF conversion
tex-pdftools-doc Documentation for tex-pdftools
tex-pgf PostScript and PDF graphics systems for TeX
tex-pgf-doc Documentation for tex-pgf
tex-pgfplots LaTeX package to create normal/logarithmic plots
tex-pgfplots-doc Documentation for tex-pgfplots
tex-picinpar Insert pictures into paragraphs
tex-picinpar-doc Documentation for tex-picinpar
tex-pict2e New implementation of picture commands
tex-pict2e-doc Documentation for tex-pict2e
tex-pictexsum-doc Summary of PicTeX commands
tex-pitex Documentation macros
tex-pitex-doc Documentation for tex-pitex
tex-pkfix Script to replace pk fonts in PostScript with Type 1 fonts
tex-pkfix-doc Documentation for tex-pkfix
tex-placeins TeX command to control float placement
tex-placeins-doc Documentation for tex-placeins
tex-placeins-plain Insertions that keep their place
tex-plain The Plain TeX format
tex-plain-doc-doc List of plain.tex cs names
tex-platex pLaTeX2e and miscellaneous macros for pTeX
tex-platex-doc Documentation for tex-platex
tex-plipsum 'Lorem ipsum' for Plain TeX developers
tex-plipsum-doc Documentation for tex-plipsum
tex-plnfss Font selection for Plain TeX
tex-plnfss-doc Documentation for tex-plnfss
tex-plstmary St. Mary's Road font support for plain TeX
tex-plstmary-doc Documentation for tex-plstmary
tex-polski Typeset Polish documents with LaTeX and Polish fonts
tex-polski-doc Documentation for tex-polski
tex-poltawski Antykwa Poltawskiego Family of Fonts
tex-poltawski-doc Documentation for tex-poltawski
tex-polyglossia An alternative to babel for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
tex-polyglossia-doc Documentation for tex-polyglossia
tex-polytable Tabular-like environments with named columns
tex-polytable-doc Documentation for tex-polytable
tex-powerdot A presentation class
tex-preprint Bundle of LaTeX packages provided as-is
tex-preprint-doc Documentation for tex-preprint
tex-present Presentations with Plain TeX
tex-present-doc Documentation for tex-present
tex-presentations-doc Examples from the book Presentationen mit LaTeX
tex-presentations-en-doc Examples from the book Presentations with LaTeX
tex-preview Extract bits of a LaTeX source for output
tex-preview-doc Documentation for tex-preview
tex-printlen Print lengths using specified units
tex-printlen-doc Documentation for tex-printlen
tex-probsoln Generate problem sheets and their solution sheets
tex-probsoln-doc Documentation for tex-probsoln
tex-program Typesetting programs and algorithms
tex-program-doc Documentation for tex-program
tex-prosper LaTeX class for high quality slides
tex-prosper-doc Documentation for tex-prosper
tex-przechlewski-book Examples from Przechlewski's LaTeX book
tex-przechlewski-book-doc Documentation for tex-przechlewski-book
tex-psfrag Replace strings in encapsulated PostScript figures
tex-psfrag-doc Documentation for tex-psfrag
tex-psizzl TeX format for physics papers
tex-psizzl-doc Documentation for tex-psizzl
tex-pslatex Use PostScript fonts by default
tex-pspicture PostScript picture support
tex-pspicture-doc Documentation for tex-pspicture
tex-pstricks-examples-doc PSTricks examples
tex-pstricks-examples-en-doc Examples from PSTricks book (English edition)
tex-ptex TeX system for publishing in Japanese
tex-ptex-base Plain TeX format and documents for pTeX and e-pTeX
tex-ptex-base-doc Documentation for tex-ptex-base
tex-ptex-doc Documentation for tex-ptex
tex-qtree TeX package to print a simple trees
tex-r_und_s Chemical hazard codes
tex-r_und_s-doc Documentation for tex-r_und_s